Sunday, January 18, 2015

Trim Healthy Mama: Yummy Caramel Nut Bars

1 c Almond Meal
2 tbsp Coconut Flour
1 c Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
2 tbsp Truvia
1 Stick Melted Butter. 

Mix together and press into 9x13 glass pan. Bake at 350 for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown. 

1 Stick Butter
1 c Cream
4 tbsp Truvia
Pinch of Salt 
Vanilla and/or Caramel Extract. 

Melt butter on medium, add cream and Truvia and stir with whisk almost constantly while it cooks at a rolling boil. Cook until it begins to turn into a honey color. Take off heat and add extract(s). 

Pour caramel sauce over crust and add crushed nuts(walnuts, pecans, almonds, etc), sugar-free chocolate chips and a little more coconut flakes. Bake for 10 more minutes. Cool in fridge and then serve! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Completely Unbiased Review Of The Henningsens "Our Family Christmas"

Okay, okay. Even though there's a family tie, there are ways to go around the bias. I mean, you can separate yourself from the fact that you're reviewing the blood sweat and tears put into an album made by your daddy, big brother and little sister. 

There's a way. I'm sure. Trying my best to give you the completely unbias review of every single song on The Henningsens' Christmas album titled "Our Family Christmas". 

The Dalton brothers did a phenomenal job orchestrating the whole thing. They seem to be very detail oriented, and nothing sounds simple. It's all a complex, exuberant and energetic portrayal of musical emotion all crammed into 30-some minutes of plastic. Then mix in the quirky, out-of-the-box Henningsens, and you have a masterpiece. 

"Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Baby Jesus"
This is a catchy tune, whether you like it or not. It's one of those tunes that you want to punch someone in the throat for humming under their breath because it's now in your head for the next 48 hours, playing over, and over, and over and.... 
Although I have to admit, not that I didn't like it to begin with, it's grown on me more, especially since my kids light up like fireflies when it begins. The intro draws you in like a moth to the flame. And the end has all my kids giggling: 

"Ahaha! I've got it!" 
"Wesley! Don't say that!"

"Carol of the Bells"
Wow! Such a neat and creative rendition of the song. Probably my favorite version ever. EVER. 

"Holly Jolly Christmas"
I know, I said I was gonna set myself apart from the family bias, but I can't for this song. Halfway through, dad interrupts, reminiscing about the WORST CHRISTMAS EVER. We all had the chicken pox(like all kids did in the 90s), and to the dismay of our broken hearts, we had to stay home Christmas Eve. Our family tradition of going to Grandma's and sitting on Santa's lap after a big meal of little weenies, relish tray, and ham and cream cheese wrapped sweet pickles, was shattered. Bashed on the rocks. This lousy annoyance of a sickness had ruined Christmas. I wish I could go back in time and get vaccinated just so we didn't screw up our perfect attendance record. Just kidding. Kinda. Although those broiled scallops were kind of tasty....

"Christmas Kissin'"
This is a blusher of a song. Sort of risqué, but not really at the same time, and Jarrod Niemann's deep voice certainly compliments Clara's. It's a cross between "Baby, It's Cold Outside" and something from A Kenny and Dolly Christmas. Another cute and catchy tune sure to become a classic. 

"Oh Holy Night"
This has always been one of my favorites. This rendition of it is so beautiful. A little bit country/bluegrass, but also a little eerie during the chorus. A good combo in my book.

"The Christmas Story"
What would A Charlie Brown Christmas be like without Linus bringing the "commercial kids" the story of the humble beginning of our Savior? So is the same for this song on the album. 

"White Christmas"
The harmonies carry this song. So old timey and easy to listen to. People probably don't usually listen to the bass in songs, but I'm not usual and I love the low bass in this song toward the end. I'm all about that bass. 😏

"O Come, O Come Emmanuel"
Stunning. Brilliant. Gorgeous. Chilling. 
If you've heard it, you will know. Not only is this my favorite rendition of this song, this is my favorite rendition of any Christmas song in existence. From the background music, to the lyrics, to the eerie male vocals that follow Clara's clear voice, it's captivating. Then the harmony. Wow! If you don't get chills, something is wrong with you. 

"Silent Night"
Easy listening and pretty. Clara and Janelle Arthur sound beautiful together. Clara has a piercing, but steady voice, and Janelle has that Celtic-sounding tone about her. The vocals at the end from both girls is very emotionally-driven. 

"Auld Lang Syne"
Such a simple song arrange in such a powerful way. Makes me want to hug George Bailey and tell him everything's gonna be okay. This has a very old feel about it, and it's another beautiful classic. Put the head phones on and just close your eyes and listen. You hear the faint nostalgia of times gone past ringing subtly in your ear. Almost like time has stood still for just a few moments to join everyone together in a like-mind. It's simply ghostly. 

So there you have it, my totally unbiased yet biased review of Our Family Christmas by The Henningsens. If you didn't get to enjoy it this past christmas, PLEASE don't deprive yourself of a masterpiece. Go and buy it! 

Purchase a hard copy here:


Monday, October 20, 2014

Traumatic Birth, Postpartum Depression And A Natural Cesarean

It was Monday, August 27th, two days after my due date. I was big, swollen and pretty tired of being pregnant. I just wanted my baby to be here. Numerous people predicted that I’d go early and fast. Well, they were wrong about the early part, and I was desperately hoping they weren't wrong about the latter. I’d been seeing a home birth midwife since the beginning of my pregnancy and everything looked wonderful. Absolutely no complications and a wonderful pregnancy. No morning sickness, high blood pressure or any other issues that many women face. I was the oldest daughter in a family of 10 kids, with 6 of them being born at home, including twins that were both born breech. So I had this down. A home birth was going to be a breeze because it was in my blood. It was 4 am and my husband was getting ready to leave for work when all the sudden, I felt something different. I got out of bed and went to him and said, “Babe, either I peed the bed or my water broke.” I took one more step and it was evident that this baby was FINALLY coming. We called our mothers and my sister who were supposed to come and experience their grandchild and niece or nephew be born. Our midwives were also informed. My contractions were irregular and painless, and remained that way for the whole day. Finally that evening they began picking up and we knew this was it. My body was kicking into gear. My midwives came in the middle of the night since I showed signs of dilation. By that next morning, they checked me and I was at 7 cm. Almost there! Sometime during my labor, my baby had turned into the posterior position, giving me horrendous back labor. That’s when I got on my hands and knees and rocked him out of that position. I had some relief for a while, but then he turned back as labor went on. Throughout that day and into the night, my contractions were getting stronger and more frequent. All I remember was how bad my back felt. My midwives were very good at keeping me calm and helping me to breathe through the pain. My husband was my rock. He never complained once and was my leaning post the entire time. It had been over 24 hours since my contractions began and we were hoping and praying that it was soon coming to an end. Through the night, my contractions increased in number and I began losing it both mentally and physically. There was a contraction that I remember not being able to stand for and had to be held up while I shook like a leaf and screamed. My body was almost going through a state of shock at that point. It wasn't going to last much longer without a change of some kind. 

In the early hours of the morning on Wednesday, I was alone with my mom and husband. They were asking me if I felt like I needed to go to the hospital. I was unsure. I mean, I wanted to so bad, but I was scared that my midwife would think I was a failure. While we were talking, the midwife had come into the room. Fear rushed over me. Had she heard us talking? What was she thinking? Then the most glorious words came out of her mouth, “Do you think you need to go to the hospital? I think you need to go. I think you need an epidural and some sleep.” Sleep would be phenomenal since I hadn't rested in 48 hours. It was like the angels were singing! She checked me once more and we were all hoping that she was going to say it was pushing time. However, after about 20 hours of being dilated to 7 cm, I was still at 7 cm. We quickly got everything together and called the hospital and told them we were coming. I don’t remember much during that time. My sister recalled being scared that we were to going to be stopped by the police since my husband was driving like a mad man, running all the red lights. Thank God no one was out at 4:00 in the morning. When we showed up there, I was going through transition. One contraction after another. It was a painful wheelchair ride. After getting settled in, they checked me and I had gone from 7 cm to 5 cm. Oh, how devastating! That’s when an angel came to me and gave me the most wonderful thing I’d ever experienced: an epidural. I was very much against them on a normal basis, but this was a completely different situation than I had ever imagined being in. I was so delirious and so weak that I couldn’t stand during contractions. My husband told me that within 20 seconds of that taking effect, I was fast asleep and didn’t wake for 4 hours. They checked me again once I woke up and I was back at 7 cm. My contractions were every 2 minutes and were going off the charts in intensity on the monitor. It didn’t matter though. I couldn’t feel a thing. Since I had an epidural, we were given Pitocin to see if that would help to get me past 7 cm. Within a couple hours after waking up, my epidural began wearing off. Once again, I could feel my contractions. I cried. No more! The doctor who was on call just happens to be my same doctor to this day. She is wonderful! She was a God-send and I believe He placed her there for me. She came in and gently said, “Alyssa, I know that you’ve been going at this for a long time, but I wanted to mention to you that there is a possibility that you may need a c-section. This is always up to you, though. Just think about it and talk to your husband.” I was adamant that I was going to have this baby vaginally because I had gone too far to just have a c-section. I wasn’t going to quit. My mom talked to my husband about this and she told him that she thought I needed to have a c-section. My mom, the one with 10 kids, 6 of which were born at home, thought I needed a c-section? My husband told me that he thought it was the best idea. I reluctantly agreed. After 32 hours of laboring at home and 13 hours of laboring in the hospital, my little son was born by c-section. We named him Ashton Joseph and he was 8 lbs 4 oz. He was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a week and I was being monitored for a racing heart as well as being a candidate for a blood transfusion. After I had him, I hemorrhaged and lost a lot of blood. My husband went to tell our families that it was a boy and what the situation was. At that moment he had an emotional breakdown. He was sure that he was losing his new little family. At my 2 week post-op appointment, my new doctor informed me that because my uterus was so weak and my baby was so far into the birth canal, my uterus tore from the right side of my incision down to my cervix. I wasn't a candidate for a VBAC, at least not in a hospital. This whole experience caused me great postpartum depression. I had a lot of trouble with being resentful towards my new baby. I had thought that God abandoned me. All my hopes and dreams of having a wonderful birth where my baby is brought to my skin just after being brought into the world were completely shattered on the rocks. My husband prayed for me after 2 weeks of crying myself to sleep. The depression completely lifted off me. Literally, a shadow rose off my head and I could see light again. Call it chemical, call it demonic, but it was real. It was a long process of growing a bond with my son, but I serve a merciful and forgiving God and He gave me that instant, unconditional love when my son was 11 months old.

(Ashton's cone head. You can see the "shelf" where he was caught on my pelvis from being posterior)

I went from never wanting to experience that again to thinking about having another baby. We got pregnant with our 2nd baby the first month we decided to try for another one. I was told about how much better a repeat c-section was and how much better the recovery would be. At my prenatal appointments, I would talk to various midwives and doctors. They all told me that if my doctor thought I needed to have a repeat, then I probably should because she isn’t quick to give anyone a c-section unless they genuinely needed it. My husband really pushed for the scheduled c-section, and again, I reluctantly agreed. My second son, Harrison “Harry” Lee was born weighing 8 lbs 3 oz. All I can say is that it was a terrifying experience. I got to see my baby for a split second before he was taken back and weighed, measured, suctioned and wrapped up. My husband held him up to my face as I kissed his little face. He was beautiful. I felt an instant love for him, but still something was missing. My recovery was very hard on me. Between slipping on ice, my incision coming back open and having a lot of pain(all amidst our beloved grandpa dying in the hospital and the swine flu), I built up a great fear of having to have another c-section. My doctor informed me that on top of my already increased risk of Uterine Rupture, my uterus was thin so a VBA2C was completely out of the picture. 

My 2nd baby was almost 2 years old and my husband wanted another baby. So did I, but my fear was getting the best of me. I was at the end of my period and I prayed to God, “You know how much fear I am in. If You want me to get pregnant, You’re going to have to make it happen because I am scared and I WILL prevent.” The next day I got pregnant. We practiced Natural Family Planning so I was a pro a tracking my fertile days. They were definitely NOT the day after my period, so baby #3 was my God-baby… planned by God 100%.

Half of my pregnancy  was spent terrified of having to have another repeat. I wasn't mentally ready to handle the pain that a c-section brought on my body. One day while I was looking up c-section videos online, I came across a video about a “natural” c-section. I went from burdened with fear to having a great excitement about having this baby. At my next appointments my doctor and I put together a plan that followed this “natural” c-section. She was all on board and I know that she wanted me to have the experience I’d always dreamed of. At 35 weeks pregnant, I began having a strange pain, totally different from ligament pain. I mentioned this at my appointment and the doctor ordered a sonogram. The sono showed that my uterus was dangerously thin and they had to take the baby as soon as I was term, which was only 2 weeks away! I had great fear again that this was my last baby and that my whole plan of having a “natural” c-section had gone out the window. My doctor reassured me that as long as the baby was healthy, everything would go as planned. So the morning of May 31st 2012, we went in to have our 3rd baby. I was scared to death, but so excited to do something different. My doctor and the nurses were, too! My first request was that my husband be my support during the spinal. We had to fight the anesthesiologist on that one, but he was allowed in the room in the end. It was a huge relief. After I was prepped, she began the process. She informed me that I had NO SCAR TISSUE. This is a big concern and can determine how many children you can have. No scar tissue meant another baby for us! The next step of my plan was that I wanted the drape dropped so both my husband and I could watch our baby be born. The doctor pulled the baby out breech….my husband said, “It’s a GIRL!” I was so happy. I got my girl! 

They cut the cord and took her to be suctioned, which was all in my plan because I wanted her to be suctioned first. Then they brought her back and we had skin on skin…right there on the operating table. I can’t even explain how amazing of a feeling that was. It was how I’d always imagined having a baby would be and the feeling I had felt robbed of. My husband told me that he got to cut the cord down to size. The nurses just handed him the scissors and told him to cut! That was not in the plan, but I am so glad he got to do that. The nurse had to keep checking her temperature to be sure she wasn't getting too cold, but she was amazed at how warm she was staying on me. They finished sewing me up and with my sweet little girl still lying on my chest, they transferred me onto the recovery bed and wheeled us both into recovery. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. She was so beautiful and felt so delicate. We named her Shiloh Eleanor, meaning “A place of peace and light”. I decided I better get her weighed and measured so my husband could tell our anxious family what we had. Shiloh was a tiny 5 lbs 15 oz. She quickly came back to me and we were able to nurse. She was a pro. The nurse also let my husband give her her first bath. My recovery was phenomenal. Within a week I felt almost like I’d never had a cesarean at all! I completely feel that was derived from the fact that the birth of my daughter was such a joyful experience. On top of all this, my doctor was able to reinforce the thin part of my uterus and gave us the go ahead to have another baby after I allowed 18 months to let my uterus heal. My fears vanished. Joy took over.

There is a stigma regarding c-sections. Many women feel three things: 

1) They’re a failure because they couldn't deliver vaginally. 
2) They’re a failure because they won’t try for a VBAC or can't because no doctor in the area will allow them to try. 
3) They've been robbed of the birth experience they've always dreamed of, but have resorted to the ‘fact’ that this is just the way is has to be.

It’s so not true! You can have that wonderful birth you've always wanted! It just takes courage and much persistence. Never give up. Your doctor might not be on board with this, but it is YOUR BIRTH, YOUR BABY and YOUR EXPERIENCE. We only have so many times to give birth, don’t let Satan take that joy from you. There is something spiritual that happens when your first feel your baby’s skin on your skin. 

One of my favorite sayings is “Today I will choose JOY!” I hope to encourage repeat c-section moms to choose this wonderful joy that God gives us when our babies are born. Having a cesarean doesn’t have to be just a surgery to get your baby out. It can be the joyful birth experience you’ve always dreamed of! Take advantage of God’s gift.

It’s indescribable. ❤️

Friday, September 12, 2014

Why An Early Miscarriage Deserves Mourning

LIFE! It's it the most beautiful creation on this earth.

Even from our earliest existence, we choose life. A simple life form, devoid of anything resembling a human being, chooses life by burrowing itself on its mother's womb. Without a brain, this new creation has been given the will to live. I marvel at all of God's creations, but this baffles me. He has created us in our mother's womb. He has guided us to life. He LOVES life. He created it. 

When I first found out about the little one growing inside me, I was filled with joy. This baby was so long desired, I could barely contain myself. The test was faint, but positive. I told my husband. He was happy and, of course, a little scared. I quickly began making plans in my head for this baby. Was it a boy? A girl? I had 2 boys and a girl already so I was completely happy with whatever God gave me. Just content to be pregnant again. A friend of mine had a word from God and told me the exact date I was to conceive. This was so mind boggling. God knew my heart's desire and He wanted to give it to me. I felt so special.

The next morning came. I had been having cramps all night, which I knew was normal during pregnancy, but assumed they were harder because it was my 4th baby and everything is so different the more babies you have. Since my first test was faint, I wanted to take another in the morning. It was just a reassurance that I wasn't losing my mind. I stood up out of bed. My life came to a halt. "No." I exclaimed in my head. Rushing to the restroom, the one thing many pregnant women dread had revealed itself. At first I sat there in shock. "This can't be happening. God told me this baby was supposed to be." Sorrow filled my mind, body and soul. Deep tears of a life lost began to pour from my eyes and flow down my face. This wasn't supposed to happen. My first cries to God were shouts of betrayal, "How could you do this to me? You told me I was going to have this baby." Utter confusion and sadness consumed my mind. I had to face my husband. I felt so embarrassed. Why? There's absolutely no reason why I felt this way. And no reason for it. My husband held me. He didn't have much to say. Words really weren't needed from him, just a warm body and a shoulder to cry on. I laid in bed for a while, thinking, crying. 

 My mind was exploding with emotion. Upon reaching for my phone to distract myself, my Facebook opened. A message from a new friend I had just met a couple months prior had been highlighted at the top of the screen. At first I didn't want to read anything because I couldn't respond, but for whatever reason, the urge to open it was overwhelming. Just the first sentence had be bawling my eyes out once again. This new friend had been praying earlier that week and God told her something to share with me, but he wanted her to keep it to herself until that very morning. Out of all the message, this stood out:

"My glory is behind you, and I have gone before you."

At that point, I wasn't sure why I lost my baby, but this word hit me so hard that I knew there was a plan. God was still in control. He hadn't betrayed me. He had just yet to reveal the reasons. 

The rest of the day was spent like an emotional zombie. The following morning I managed to put something presentable on and head to church. I told my husband I didn't want to help lead worship. I didn't want to feel. I didn't want to pretend I was okay. We had communion that morning. "The Garden Song" by Jason Upton began playing. I'd heard the song before and thought it was beautiful, but its real beauty began shining in a whole new light. The words penetrated my soul: 
"I have heard a mother's cry for her child to live again. I'm gonna build you a garden in a dry and dessert land. I'm gonna find a river there, I'm gonna find a river there." At the end of fellowship, my husband asked for prayer for me. As he did, he was filled with tears. Many fellow believers laid hands on me. I felt a complete peace rush over me. Peace. It was so needed.

Many people, including myself previous to this, wonder why anyone would mourn a miscarriage so early. It's not like you have time to bond or feel kicks or hiccups, right? Wrong. The moment you find out you're expecting, there's an instant soul connection. You are literally two beings joined together. It's LIFE at its  most glorious state. What a wonderful feeling being the bringer of life! I wasn't just mourning the microscopic being inside me. No. I was mourning the kicks I had yet to feel, the first cry, the first laugh, the first crawl, and walk, and word spoken. I missed a first birthday party, a 5th birthday party, a 25th birthday party. I missed a graduation, a wedding, a grandchild that would never be. You see, there's so much more than the mourning of the speck of a human being inside me. There's the mourning of an entire life lost.

But there is hope. 

I rest upon the assurance of life after death. That one day I will get to see my child again, my beautiful, wonderful child. I have not lost my baby, my life is a long-lasting pregnancy that will birth a perfect child in a perfect place. My garden is being built because God has heard every word of every cry from my heart. He's building my garden and he'll find a river there. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fall Fashion 2014

Although I am not always the most fashionable person, I do really find it fun to experiment with. With the cooler temperatures beckoning hayrides, bonfires, chili, apple cider and visits to the Pumpkin Patch, Pinterest begins exploding with scarves, sweaters, boots and leggings. Here are my essentials I have this far for the fall fashion season:

Hopefully you can tell from this photo what everything is. As I was taking it from my foot board, I was also falling simultaneously. I'm talented like that. 

Item 1) Aztec print dress. You don't have to go with an Aztec print, I just love it. This one was one I won from an online shop called The Mint Julep Boutique. I'm in love with their stuff! Check them out at or on Facebook: The Mint Julep Boutique. They're always running contests. 

Item 2) Chunky sweater. This is the best for those "fat" days. You know, when you're so bloated that all you want to do with put on a big sweater and crawl into a cave. And die. But why do that when you could put on a big sweater, some leggings and boots....and LIVE? And look cute while doing it! Wow! Amaaaaazing! 

Item 3) The essential T-Shirt. I buy my tees too big because I loathe tight shirts. These are from Urban Outfitters, 2 for $28.00, but I know you can find them cheaper at stores like Forever 21. 

Item 4) Rain Boots!!! Enough said.

Item 5) Flats. Mine are camo and are from Target. They were on clearance a whole back for, like, $4 or something. 

Item 6) Jeans/Jeggings. I personally go with a jegging because, let's face it, if you've ever had kids like me, you have skin that isn't quite where it used to be. I prefer my jeans to be easily tuckable, since I am a master at strategic skin tucking. Work it, ladies. I have two pairs here because one is a solid dark jean and the other is a more textured, worn jean. Just depends on how your mood is that day. 

Item 7) Scarf! Enough said, yet again. 

Item 8) A lightweight cotton flowy shirt. Put under a jacket for a simple, soft and casual look. 

Item 9) Plaid button up. Wear it by itself, tucked into your jeans or over a t-shirt. I love this one that I got from Charlotte Russe for $22.00.

Item 10) Big open sweater. This can be paired with anything. Mine if from Target last winter. I am a small-medium, but I bought an x-large because I wanted it BIG. I wear it with my pjs and outfits. It's so comfortable! 

Item 11) Some fall heels are crucial. These can be paired with a dress or jeans. They dress up almost any outfit. 

Item 12 NOT PICTURED) Leather jacket. I still have yet to get one. It would go with anything, as well. 

Item 13 NOT PICTURED) Denim Button Up is also something I have yet to get. It's not completely essential if you have the plaid, but it is super cute. 

Item 14 NOT PICTURED) Leather boots.....I have them, but I'm too lazy to get them out of storage for a picture. They are great with dresses or jeans. And are a big statement. I always feel complete with them. 

So there you have it. Don't think you need all these at once, unless you have the money. Believe me, this took a while to gather. And, obviously, I'm still collecting. 

Thanks for reading! 

PS- I'm really digging those floppy hats for fall. If only I could convince my husband.... 

Friday, August 22, 2014

DIY Countertops For Under $50

For anyone who lived during the late 70s, you know how popular the faux butcher block countertops were. I had them. They were wonderfully ugly. 

The white granite is exactly the look I was wanting, however, I didn't have a couple grand to spare. While keeping the original cabinetry, I spruced up the handles by taking off the scroll backs and painting them with a mirror paint. 

I then focused on the counters. For $16.00, we purchased a gallon of this water based primer and only used a small amount:

And used this little roller to apply:

After 5 coats, it looked like this:

Next step was 2 coats of white paint. You can use whatever color you want for this. It is your base coat to whatever look you're going for. For me, I wanted the white granite to give a nice contrast between the dark cabinets. 

I'm not quite sure how much the quart of white satin paint cost, but I'd guess under $15.00. My husband purchased it:

After the base coat, I began the accent colors, which were less than $2 each:

I chose FolkArt acrylic paints in cream, dark grey and light grey. When applying, I watered it down on a plate and used a paper towel to give a random pattern. If you don't like what you have, keep dabbing. You can also wipe it off if it hasn't dried yet.

This is my first layer: 

Second layer:

The cream paint was just used to subdue the dark colors. 

The last step is to alternate between the gloss(under $4 can. I used one can) and the iridescent sparkles($3):

It only took a few minutes for each layer of gloss to dry. It was amazing! 

The color I am going with is this $45 can of Valspar paint I got from Lowe's for $15.00 because it was a mistint. It's sort of a Robin's Egg blue:

I won't post a full photo of my kitchen because I still have flooring, tile backsplash and new appliances to get, but I'll give you a sneak peek:

Thanks for viewing! 

Bro Country, How I Loath Thee


Here's the largest difference between singing about trucks, girls and beer today vs. about 5-10 years ago:


"Nothing but two lane country on up ahead

Girl, you so fine I wouldn't mind if this is all we did.

You got me high on kisses, you got me missing signs

Hard looking left when my world is on my right" 


"I go back to a two toned short bed Chevy

Drivin my first love out to the levvy

Livin life with no sense of time

And I go back to the feel of a fifty yard line

A blanket, a girl, some raspberry wine

Wishin time would stop right in its tracks

Every time I hear that song, I go back"

Hmmm.....they seem to have the similar storyline; a truck, a girl, a dirt road/country/levvy, alcohol, etc. 

The difference: The first song is entirely about those subjects. It festers and festers and festers, but never changes. Never boils over. Never sings something different. It always dwells on this one moment and doesn't get anywhere. The second just mentions it and moves on to something deeper, a reminiscing of times past. This is the problem with today's country music. It's meaningless, immoral, shallow and demeaning to women. Yet, young girls swallow it up. Why? It's insecurity. They think that if they can just "paint on some jeans", wear some "cherry lipgloss" and shake their "moneymaker" then they will be something to be desired. It's a fantasy. That is all. Those types of boys will just chew you up and spit you out. Bro Country needs to cease to exist all together for the greater good. Please stop liking Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Florida Georgia Line and the others who follow in their shadows until they can begin to release songs with depth and meaning. Until then, they're only people pleasers. They are not artists. They are not country music. They are a fad.